Marketing Case Study of 500% ROI, 59 Sales and 702 Leads in 48 Hours.

Picture of By <u>Iyanu Taiwo</u>

By Iyanu Taiwo

Business & Marketing Strategist

This is a marketing case study of how we helped a struggling coach skyrocket her sales conversion rate.

The Result

500% ROI, 59 Sales, 700+ Leads

(within the first 48 hours of the testing phase)

After we implemented our value-marketing system. We increased the product price by 5X 🙂.

Yet the system generated impressive results,

  • 59 sales
  • 702 quality leads.

Conversion Rate:

= Total Sales / Total Leads) * 100
= (59 / 702) * 100

= 8.41%

59 paid members.

Case Study 1

The struggling coach saw a remarkable conversion rate in the testing phase of our system set-up.

Let’s Begin.

In growing your business for more sales and conversions, achieving rapid success can often seem like an impossibility.

With the right strategy, you could make it a reality.

In this case study, we will take you on a journey of what exactly we did in phases to get this result for our client.

As we walk through each phase of our strategy, we will also share actionable steps and valuable insights that you can apply to grow your business faster and quicker for maximum results.


Our client is an expert and a coach in the cake baking industry offering premium training filled with valuable information.

Despite having a great product, she faced challenges in selling and driving quality eyeballs to her training program.

The Challenge:

The client struggled to generate quality leads and convert them into paying customers for her product.

The low sales figures were causing frustration and impacting her business’s growth potential.

1: Audience Research

Our journey began by delving deep into market research.

This was our first crucial step to understanding the target audience’s pain points, interests, and demographics.

This knowledge became the cornerstone of our strategy, ensuring that every move we made resonated with our target audience.

Take Away Lessons:

  • The foundation of success lies in understanding your audience.
  • Research their fears, needs and preferences to create a strategy that truly resonates with them.
  • You can employ various tools like surveys, social media analysis, and analytics to gather valuable data for your business. (Hint: You can use ChatGPT for this too).

2: Online Presence Setup

One of our top priorities here was to establish a professional online presence immediately around her business.

We began by securing a personalized domain name, signalling our commitment to excellence.

Next, we ensured top-notch web hosting services, guaranteeing a reliable and fast-loading website.

The reason for this is to have an exceptional user experience (website speed for SEO benefits).

Take Away Lessons:

  • Your online presence is your digital identity – A personalized domain name and dependable hosting set the stage for success.
  • Prioritize a user-friendly and mobile-responsive website to enhance the overall customer experience.


3: Persuasive Copywriting

We worked closely with the client to showcase her expertise and credibility and convey this clearly to her audience.

We started first by highlighting her offerings in such a way that they resonate deeply with her audience’s pain points.

Then strategically highlight her unique selling points, projecting her irresistible offerings as the ultimate solution.

We wrote the copy that qualifies the audience.

We also created a copy for her course.

More on this in the next phase.

Key Lessons:

  • Persuasive copywriting goes beyond words; it should build trust and credibility.

4: Conversion-Focus Pages

At the heart of our strategy was the conversion-focused landing page.

Our mission was clear: to turn visitors into leads and, ultimately, paying customers.

Two landing pages were created here:

  • Presale Page
  • Offer Page

Rather than employing a lead magnet which may attract a lot of low-quality leads, we opted for presale content instead.

The presale content aimed to:

  1. Warm up the audience
  2. Establish her as an authority
  3. Showcase testimonials
  4. Guide them toward the next steps

Every word on the page served a purpose, with strategically placed calls to action (CTAs) guiding visitors to take action – opting in.


Visitors were given instant access to the offer page to learn more about how to register for the program.

We strategically inserted CTAs throughout the offer page, encouraging visitors to proceed to the next step, which is making a purchase.

We also enticed them with attractive irresistible bonuses if they made an immediate purchase with a 70% discount.

We created a sense of urgency and provided a money-back guarantee if, for any reason, they were not satisfied with the program.

Takeaway lessons:

  • Be clear on what you want from the first interaction of your audience with your page – e.g. read content, opt-in, etc…
  • Streamline your lead-capturing process close to what is most important to your business goal – this is how to increase your conversion rates from conventional 1% to 6 – 8% on the first interaction with your business or product.
  • Optimize your page for clarity and simplicity, ensuring visitors can quickly know the benefit of your valuable offerings.
  • Improve the overall experience and increase conversion rates by placing the right CTAs at the right spot.

5: Email Follow Up

To increase her conversion rate from the 8% that we had on the first interaction, we need to set up a follow-up system.

To nurture our leads, we implemented a well-structured 7-day email sequence.

We established an email marketing system to maintain constant communication with the rest (92%) who didn’t convert.

Our nurturing email campaigns were designed to build trust, gradually encouraging conversions.

Each email was crafted with precision to continue building trust and encouraging conversions.

Takeaway lessons:

  • Email marketing is a potent tool for building relationships and trust with your audience.
  • Segment your email list and deliver personalized content to engage and convert leads effectively.

Key Lessons:

  • A well-structured email sequence allows you to maintain engagement with your leads and guide them through the decision-making process.
  • Personalize your emails and provide value to keep your audience engaged and interested.

For those looking to enhance their e-commerce business, this comprehensive email marketing strategy for e-commerce pdf is a must-have guide.

6: Traffic Generation

Facebook Advertising.

Highly targeted campaigns to attract individuals genuinely passionate about baking and cake design.

We optimized ad campaigns to attract quality leads, encouraging them to sign up for her program.

What we did.

Two ad campaigns were created here.

  • 1st ad was a lead campaign to get people to read the presale content and opt-in.
  • 2nd ad was a remarketing campaign to the most qualified readers who opted in and viewed the sales copy.
  • The result: a surge in traffic to the conversion-focused landing page, leading to an 8% sales conversion rate.

Takeaway lessons:

  • Social media advertising is a powerful tool when used strategically to attract a specific and engaged audience.
  • Prioritize campaign optimization to make the most of your advertising budget and attract high-quality leads.

Hi, I'm Iyanu and I strongly believe that...

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