Why I Stopped Using Linktree and What I Did Instead [A Must Read]

Picture of By <u>Iyanu Taiwo</u>

By Iyanu Taiwo

Business & Marketing Strategist

Does Instagram play an important role in your marketing as a business?

Do you use Linktree or other Instagram bio link tools?

Then you need to read this.

And please read with an open mind to get the best out of this important information.

Awesome, let’s continue…

Instagram has become a widely important marketing tool for entrepreneurs but the major challenge here is that you are limited to just one link in your bio.

Let’s face it.

One link is never enough. It put you on a mental stress on what to link to…

Would it be to your website, your latest offer or a free guide (to capture lead)?

Sadly, if peradventure, the link does not resonate with whoseover clicked on your bio link – you just lost a new potential client.

I guess this is why many subscribed to the idea of using linktr.ee to create their instagram landing page with the hope to keep all important content under one cohesive umbrella.

It seem so cool, but…

You put your brand at more disadvantage here.


With the online space becoming increasingly competitive, it is important for your business that you stop using Linktree and instead implement the solution outlined below.

There are several reasons why Linktree should not be used as your Instagram Smart Page

Please don’t get me wrong here, I loved the Linktree’s concept and its ability to quickly link your followers to your most important content which is absolutely great.

But using instagram bio link tools can hurt your branding, with a high negative impact on your marketing effort unless you are willing to pay heavily for it, it doesn’t worth it.

8 Top reasons why I stopped Using Linktree

Aside the obvious fact that Instagram continually mark and tag them as spam, which might eventually get blocked or stop working any time on their platform.

1. You Forfeit Your Branding

The free version comes with a limited number of color schemes & templates that are unlikely to match your brand identity in most cases.

So you have no choice than to settle for less, therefore you can’t create a cohesive brand experience from the get-go. As a service based entrepreneur – you need your personality to shine from the first interaction.

2. No URL Branding

If you take a good look, the linktree link on your instagram profile is not yours, it looks like this – https://linktr.ee/iydigitals. Definitely, this doesn’t reflect my branding.

3. Linktree Logo Everywhere

This was the most irritating to me. The linktree logo appears at the bottom of the page in the free version. And, according to what I discovered at the time of writing, even with the premium version, the logo will remain. Actually, it was because of this that I decided not to use them again.

4. No Website Promotion

The beauty of showcasing your website goes farther than just the link itself. It is a subtle way of registering your brand name and it URL in the mind of your audience.

Using linktree link in your instagram bio make you miss out such opportunity which isn’t good for your business at all.

5. No Guarantees

Instagram may prohibit and /or classify your Linktree links as spam at any time without notice, leaving you with a broken link in your Instagram bio.

In fact, this ugly scenario happened in 2018, when Instagram temporarily declared Linktree to be in violation of community guidelines. And there’s no assurance it won’t happen again.

6. You Hurt Your Business SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has to do with how people get to discover your business online through search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc..

Do you realize that every time someone clicks on the link in your Instagram bio, you get a chance to improve the rating of your own website page?

But this won’t be possible by using linktree link, Here, you’d be passing the signal, the link juice and ranking to their platform and not yours.

7. Limited / No Analytics

With the free version of Linktree, you don’t get to track links and website analytics.

With limited to no data tracking, this implies that you won’t be able to effectively expand your reach with effective retargeting campaign with Facebook or Google Ads.

8. More Expenses

The pro version of linktree gives you wider options for better branding but those extra features comes with a monthly fee of $24/month.

As an entrepreneur, I believe that every dime matters. Why pay such amount when you can do the same for free on your own platform.

My Approach – The Perfect Solution!

I have been able to overcome this nightmare, even for some of our clients as well by creating a custom solution that help to…

  • Showcase their best contents in one piece.
  • With 100% customization that reflect their brands.
  • Organizing their best products and offers.
  • While protecting their customer’s information.

… WITHOUT the fear of using any third party service that could shut down or be marked as spam any second from now.

Therefore what you need to do actually is to create a custom one-page website for easy navigation on your own website.

There are few ways to do this but if your goal is to have full ownership and control over your business and your branding…

One of my favorite approach, especially for smart business owners and entrepreneurs who wouldn’t want to waste money is to create…

A Custom Instagram Smart Page

This is a perfect way to streamline your marketing messages and campaigns by combining everything into one custom page (that reflects your brand) with just a link.

For it to work, you’ll need:

  • Your custom domain (URL).
  • A basic knowledge of customization with wordpress & plugins.
  • Including pixel tracking code installation (very important).

Once you get these 4 things in place, it becomes easier to…

  • Make your own Instagram Smartpage and host it on your website!
  • Customize your page with your logo, navigation bar, footer, and any other branding features that you choose.
  • Personalize your landing page and make it STAND OUT by including a photograph of yourself with a little bio on the page.
  • Showcase important links or contents in an easy-to-navigate page – not dozens of pages.
  • Install Ad ad-tracking pixels for retargeting purposes.

This is by far the best approach to having absolute control over your branding and marketing activities. Plus, it offers you more options to connect with your ideal customers.

So you moved from boring unappealing looks like this …

From Linktree website

To something outstanding like this one.

Iphone m1 1

As you can see, this reflect my branding better…

This is how you distinguish and elevates your brand above other competitors whose pages all look the same using same 3rd party instagram bio link service.

To further create a premium branded experience as people interact with you.

You can personalize your page with your personal picture, a short bio, and your services.

How it looked like all put together:

Iphone m2

If you have a website, simply create a new page from your dashboard, add your links and mini-bio, optimize it for mobile, and style it to match your brand, and you’re ready to go!

Want Some Help?

If you want a done-for-you expert service in setting up your custom Instagram landing page for your brand or business.

I can help you:

  • Set up and customize your Instagram Smart page.
  • With your own custom domain name.
  • BONUS: I will also help you install Ad tracking pixels on your page to see which link that get the most clicks on your Smartpage and for retargeting purposes.

Side Note: You need a web hosting and domain if you don’t have a website. I will recommend Bluehost for you here. Their basic plan is very cheap and perfect for you.

Click here to get your free domain and up to 70% discount with Bluehost.

Going further,

Now I want you to pause a bit, and take a good look at the picture below.

You can zoom it for better view.

With & Without Linktree

Which one looks more appealing?

Instagram bio with Linktree or the one with my custom branding and page url?

I will leave that for you to answer but I bet you chose the latter.

Check out my Instagram bio to see it live.


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